'navy stripes and nautical faves!'
Octo the Octopus Sterling Si... $65.00 | Sailor Tote Bag --for market... $33.00 | 60s 3/4 Little Navy Boat Dec... $24.00 | Adjustable Porcelain Ring Co... $20.00 |
vintage 1960's sailorett... $36.00 | Seahorse Brooch Pin Sterling... $60.00 | Ahoy Matey - Vintage Nautica... $42.00 | Pinstripe Fiber Earrings - B... $13.00 |
Nautical 1960's Boy Cut ... $ | Vintage Style Nautical Sailb... $56.55 | Anchor Nautical Navy Blue an... $15.00 | Navy and Red Hey There Sailo... $14.50 |
Tie For Children $20.00 | Vintage Lucite Fish Earrings... $20.00 | 1980's Navy Blue and Whi... $23.00 | Happy Narwhal Recycled Croch... $110.00 |
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