
New at shop and happy new year!

Yakında yeni bir yıla girecegiz ama bizler yeni değiliz maalesef bir gun sonra da yeni olmayacagız.. Bu acı gerçeği 32imde farketmem de iyi olmadı..
Ama ben yine her sene başında oldugu gibi planlar yapacağım ve muhtemelen de çoguna uymayacagım.. 
Umarim sizler sadık kalırsınız planlarınıza ,2014 cok guzel gecer hepimiz ve ulkemiz için..


2014 is just over the corner.. i hope every of you be good doing your plans in new year :)

a hedgehoge is a new pall of our cute gang..

and a beaded xmas tree is a sweet toy orrnament ..


Black Friday Cyber Monday SALE

it is the amazing times of the year again..
i offer free shipping all over to world. Just apply the coupon code 'FREESHIPPING' during checkout!!


Aşure - Noah's Pudding

Ashure (in Turkish: Aşure) or Noah's Pudding is a Turkish dessert that is made of a mixture consisting of grainsfruits and nuts. It is served during the first month of the Islamic calendarMuharram, on the Tenth of Muharrem, or the Day of Ashure. "Ashura" means "tenth" in Arabic. Ashure is part of the culinary tradition of Turkey as well as many of the surrounding countries, and Christian and Jewish cultures as well as Muslim share similar versions under a variety of names

For more info click


a late hello to october

i do not want to give break to blogging but things come through that way..

What did i do during this time and here is the short story..

 had amazing brunches at friends!

love my  nephew

had super brekfast at friends!

gave some love to my friend's kids..

Hubby brought me roses and i dried them like this..

 We are going and coming back from school on foot..

 i go to  a kind of school two days in a week with some lovely friends.   after lessons we had a run to messt cafe with beautiful view through Istanbul.


Weekend basics

This weekend  was really full for me.. on saturday we old high school friends met up. Delicious foods,lovely conversations,memories,laugh and more...

My friend house was nearer the airport so we saw lots of plane instead of birds :)

She made lots of delicious foods for us it was a pleasure to be on that table..

We met at European side of Istanbul so we had to chance to get on a ferry. So  much relaxing and enjoying time we had at ferry too.

On sunday  we went to nearer bazaar to get fresh fruits and vegetables..




After grocery shopping we went to park my daughter ride her bycle hubby and i played basketball i was bad at that :/

 After all joy and play we went to nearer picnic place to make barbeque also we cook eggplants and corns in hot ashes too..


this moment

{this moment}
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
. . . . . . . . . .

P.S: i become an auntie :) 
A Friday ritual inspired by SouleMama


creative space

a cup of earl grey tea and catch up!

if you want to share your creative space then just leave a comment with your link!


This morning / bu sabah

i made a list and try to follow the list.. The first of it all , i have to take photo of my new items and old items which has not good photo too.

My table was all crowded with little crocheted cuteness and my kiddo Zeynep Erva joined this mess too. while i was editing the photos she read two books next to me..
 the schools are will be open next week so last days at home with momy :)

my sweet glass coaster.. i drank a glass of acai berry tea..

and after all editing jobs i give myself a sweet snack break!
new items are available at the shop and they will be an other post subject later..

Sabahtan beri yeni ürünlerin fotoğrafını çekmek ,eski fotoları yenilemekle uğrasıyorum.. Evi supurup sildim soyle bir ama diger tum işler duruyor.  Yeni şeyler üretmeye devam bu arada.. Listeler yaptım, listelere bayılıyorum zaten.. Ben hep liste yapayım :)) Yeni de defter aldım zaten aman ne zevkli yeni defterde listeler hazırlamak ..

Onca karmaşanın arasında bir de ciko molası verdim. Diyet miyet hak getire, okullar açılıp da benim hayat da bir düzene gidiğinde başlayacağım inşallah.