Love weekends just every people on earth but really do not like sundays.. Do not know why -maybe the next day is monday- Anyway.. I always try to make weekends more liveable.. time sharing with family,cooking,reading,making to do lists,ironing and laundry and more houseworks..
Finally i begin to crochet new thing(!) for the shop.. Soon -i hope so- it!ll be here as finished and meeting you..
My daughter also made some artful things.. Then put them all on the refrigerator as we can all see them..
We went the nearest park to when the sun was bright .. My kiddo had lots of joy,running climbing meeting new friends..
And late time bakery is done :) i cooked cake with dried grapes,hazelnutschocolate chips..
Oh and while grocery shopping my hubby and kiddo baught this flowers for me as a suprise... So lovely and cute flowers made me cheerful. But my kiddo want the flowers on her room then let her to have it there..
This photo is from today ,early morning. She is thinking that flower needs a giant place to live in it ..