
little bird shaped soaps instead of candies

one of my lovely friend gave birth and have a lovely girl named nur huma. Both are healty and now  at their home.. I visited her at hospital.

She decorated her room door with this lovely  name frame.

Also ordered these lovely gifts for the visitors..

It is little white bird cage with bird shaped soap with ribbons mint and pink and smells amazing!!

 and me with my 5 months baby bump :)

Sevgili arkadasım hobiriklerin hatice dogum yaptı ve kızı tatlış tombiş Nur Huma dunyaya geldi.. Hastanede ziyarete gittik Merveyle.. Hatice gelenlere sunmak için seker yerine kucuk kus seklinde sabunlar yaptırtmıs onları da sırın beyaz kafeslerde sunmustu. Bayıldık tabii ki .. kapı susu de ayrı guzeldi.. Bana da ılerisi için fikirler verdi:)
son foto da 5 aylık halim ama arkadaslarimin dediğine gore kilo almayıp vermişim.. Gercekten de hala aynı kilomdayım.. Sanırım var olanlar eriyip yerine bebiş geldi:)
Hayırlısı bakalaım..


Easy cross stitch pattern for kids

so we are in summer break time not goes easily at home with a kid who looking for a activity everytime else want  to watch cartoons by hours..
She is doing her summer homeworks,reads,play chess or with toys and else..

i try to teach her every crafty thing i know so far and i guess it is the best desicion i have made up. Making cross stitches takes long time to make her busy with something instead of tv. 

At very first her xs were like this;

Then it became like this,she learned how to use the fabric and needle and threads..

when she finished it i cut the shape of apple from the fabric,then sewed it on a striped pink fabric ,sttiched the date of the day she finihed and used an ikea frame to hang it on to her rooms wall..

hanged on the wall ,i guess it changes a lot up on there later ..

Here is the pattern if you are interested!