1. Hey There (Ben Heine), 2. Irish Donkey, 3. three donkeys, 4. Hello U2!!
yess, i know.. the FF theme is abit interesting.. i love donkeys, they are cute animals for me! if you do not belive me ,look at those lovely eyes.. my grandma says that " donkeys has the best eyeshape in the creature of world"
and if you still have not satisfied then look at my little donkey!
FF is a game,if you want to play then pls visit ArtMind's blog!
Hehehe very cute donkeys!:)
YanıtlaSilheehee... donkeys are cute! reminds me of "donkey" from shrek. I love that character. Your donkey is very cute too!
YanıtlaSilIndeed, donkeys are cute!
YanıtlaSilSuper cute..!
YanıtlaSilawww so cute!!!
YanıtlaSilHow cute!!!! Your donkey is adorable!
YanıtlaSilhehehe donkey..It reminds me Cyprus and my grandfather's donkey's...
YanıtlaSilHehe, I think your donkey is the cutest of them all! :)
YanıtlaSilhehe cute!
YanıtlaSilSo cute!!!
YanıtlaSilAww, they are so cute and quite comical are those donkeys! Our neighbor had one for many years and the kids and I used to love to stop & feed it :) Lovely mosaic.