
behind the scene : bear coasters

Yesterday i crocheted 8 bear coasters as an order.. All crocheting stitching cutting took a long time.. while crocheting  i like watching tv series and in these days my fave one is sherlock!

 Before post office all orders done all coffees had been drunk!

 and also a photo of them had been shared on instagram :)

by the way i got an e mail from the german magazine Liv,ng at home,they want to feauture my easter items on the new issue, so i should crochet more in these days..

Sipariş uzerine sekiz tane ayı kafası bardak altlıgı ordum baska siparişler de vardı tabii sükür ki hepsini dun bitirip postaladım. Postane cıkısı hafifleme halini tasvir edemem..
Bugun   Alman Living dergisinden mail aldim easter icin cıkacak sayıda benim urunlere de yer vermek istiyorlarmıs şimdi sıra onları orup postalamakta.. ve daha fazla tv series izlemekte :)

1 yorum:

  1. hello :) i love your city so much! i'll be back in may, if there's anything you really recommend to see/do/eat please let me know!
